17 Weeks

17 Weeks

17 Weeks and 3 Days – Tomorrow we find out what you are!

17 Weeks

How far along? 17 Weeks

Baby is the size of: an onion

Total weight gain/loss: Holding steady from last week.  Thank you, Jesus!

Belly Bump:  In the last few days, my belly had practically – no, literally doubled in size from the weekend.  Every time I glanced in a mirror, I had to do a double take.  When did I get so huge?  I was looking way too pregnant for 16.5 weeks.  A little dose of Milk of Magnesia, and I’m feeling (and looking) more normal.

Sleep: I need more of it.  Apparently, I’m not supposed to sleep on my back – something I never liked to do anyway, but now that’s the only position I want to sleep in.  I used to sleep on my stomach, but that obviously isn’t comfortable anymore.  Sleeping on my side hurts my hips, but I’ll start out there and without fail, wake up on my back.  Also, Alex is preventing me from spreading out as much as I’d like.  He’s getting awfully close to being kicked out of the bed.  (No, he’s not.  What am I saying?)

Best moment this week:  All of the hugs and congratulations when I returned to work.

Movement: None.

Symptoms: Allergies, minor backaches, minor headaches, minor indigestion.  I have everything, except the allergies, in check, but I’ll be talking with my doctor about it tomorrow at our next appointment.  On a more positive note, mentally I am SUPER happy.  I, of course, love my husband, but now it feels multiplied to the umpteenth degree.  I just sit around thinking about what an amazing family we are and how lucky I am.  While I believe it, I think it might be hormonal due to the level of elation I feel.  Also, there are moments where the slightest thing will set me off, and I will suddenly be in foul mood, but thankfully it doesn’t last long.

Cravings:  Publix had a BOGO sale on their Weight Watchers snacks.  So I grabbed six boxes.  Blueberry muffins are no bueno, but the rest are delicious!  I don’t have any particular cravings, and I’m not crazy hungry like the 1st trimester.  I fill up quickly, but I do have desert on almost a daily basis now.

Aversions:  None.

What I miss: Buttoning pants and feeling that gap between the pants and my body.  Now, I can barely button anything unless they sit low on my hips.  Yesterday, I tried to wear a pair of shorts around the house because the weather’s freaking gorgeous right now.  This is what I looked like:

Bless her heart!

What I am looking forward to: Monday! Monday! Monday!

Milestones:  Returned to work and started my 4th semester in the MLIS program.  Tuesdays and Wednesdays I am going from 7am – 10pm.  Thank goodness it’s only two days a week.  I can handle this!

Next appointment: This Monday!

Names:  Adding Cora and Colton to the list.  (Trav has nixed Cora.)  He still likes Cooper but tells me he’s waiting to know the sex before he starts investigating names.

Unsolicited advice of the week:  Don’t find out the gender.  It’s so exciting not to know! One person said they chose not to know because a close friend was expecting a boy and got a girl.  Another told me that no one would be excited when I had the baby if everyone already knows the gender and name.  Really?  Those are the two most exciting things about having a baby?  After that, you no longer care?  Good to know.

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