30 Weeks

This pic’s for you, Oma!

This pic is for Oma.  She demanded Trav's picture be on the blog.

All that wine behind me. What a tease!

How far along? 30 Weeks

30 week bump

belly bump update – 30 weeks – baby is approx. 3 lbs.

Total weight gain: +21 lbs at dr.’s appt

Maternity clothes? Baby’s growing rapidly again. Tiny wardrobe selection but tired of shopping. All of my “fat pants” (aka pjs) are now snug.

Stretch marks? None yet.

Sleep: Very uncomfortable. I have trouble recreating the perfect pillow set up each night. Two pillows elevate my head, body pillow on left, wedge on right. I’d toss and turn, but it’s too difficult to move my big belly.

Best moment of the week:

  • “Held hands” with baby girl. Normally she pokes her little body parts out the right side of my belly, but one evening she started poking out right above my belly button. It felt like a little balled up fist, so I put my middle and pointer finger on the spot, and she stayed pressing on it for a few seconds before moving away.
    yellow frog romper

    I love this romper!

  • Trav’s birthday. He’s another year older and closer to 40! We had a nice dinner out at Marker 32. I got him tickets to Jax Sharks vs Iowa Barnstormers (arena football) and a grill. I think he was happy – even if he had to spend a good part of Sunday morning putting it together.
  • Dinner with Don and Cheri. They took us out to dinner and brought their adorable son, Brycen, along. They had lots of great baby advice to share and got us/the baby some things that they found useful with Brycen. Of course, my favorite item was the little romper. I can just picture patting her little diapered butt in that cute get-up!
  • No more handymen in our house! Our guy came out Thursday to install the microwave as well as the knobs and pulls on the cabinets. He had to come back Saturday to grout a small section of tile under the microwave, and he’s done! Now, we need to replace the kitchen table, stools, and hanging light fixture in the kitchen and install the wall ledges in the bathroom above the commode, and we’re finished! (Eventually we’ll replace our fridge but not anytime soon.)

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Worst moment: Why dwell on the bad? Life’s good!

Miss anything? Having a nice glass of wine with a nice dinner. That’s probably why I prefer eating in or eating casual because there’s nothing sadder than hearing the waiter describe a nice body and finish and not being able to indulge. Also, sitting at the bar while pregnant draws a lot of stares.

Movement: I think the girl practices yoga three times a day in utero.

Food cravings: none

Anything making you queasy or sick: none

Gender prediction: I made the doctor assure me this child is a girl at our last appointment. After talking with a friend that nothing is 100% except birth and some test that shows baby’s DNA (dr. said it was too expensive and unnecessary for us) and then hearing about someone on Fb who was expecting a girl and got a boy, I got concerned. But we’ve had two ultrasounds confirming her sex, and we’re getting another anatomy scan at our next appt., so I’m back to feeling confident again.

Labor signs: None.

Symptoms: I’m beginning to see why they called the 2nd Trimester the “honeymoon” phase.  I was beginning to think this pregnancy thing was gonna be a breeze.  I’m now starting to realize why women get cranky and say things like “Get this thing out of me!”

Belly button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or moody most of the time? Happy, but also emotional. I started choking up in the greeting card aisle reading different birthday cards in search of one for Trav. And I probably need to stop watching those Dateline murder mysteries. I was listening to the radio on my way to work one morning, and the lyrics to some song triggered a memory of the story of a girl who had been murdered when she had gone out one night with her girlfriends. I started thinking how beautiful she was and how heartbroken her family was over her death, and how life will never be the same for them because she’s gone, and then I started crying. I’m sure lack of sleep and stress were contributors, but I had to tell myself to think happy thoughts and shake it off!

Looking forward to: Sharks game Friday, HDS baby shower Saturday, and my last week of grad classes for the semester are the following week!

Next appointment: April 22nd. I’m going every two weeks now!